Negotiation: It's not just for kinky relationships.

At the beginning of every month, my partner and I will put the kids to bed, and then sit down to pay the bills. This is not fun, or exciting and it would be much easier if one of us just went ahead and took care of it in between the other things they do all day. However, we do this because so many relationships are torn apart over financial conflicts. By doing our bills together, we are both fully aware of where our money is going and take the time to discuss our financial goals and decisions. As a result, we do not fight about money as we both know all there is to know about what we have and where it is spent. By doing the work we have avoided one of the biggest pitfalls in any relationship. We do the same thing with our intimacies. We do the work, and it pays off. We have always played with a little bondage in the bedroom, but it was about seven years ago that we turned that play into our dynamic. A dynamic in which we ...